Team Hatcher
Gracie/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belts and Info

White belt Learns the etiquette of the school and what the expectations are. Learns basic principles of base, posture, and hips. The white belt starts to learn the basics from each position and how to transition from one position to the next. The beginning white belt learns to tap out!!!! As he/she progresses, they often become more competitive with the blue belts and are able to exchange positions with other advanced white belts and blue belts. The white belt uses too much strength or flexibility while sparring. Typically, a student stays in the white belt for 1- 1.5 years before becoming a blue belt.

Blue belt should exhibit good morales and practice habits. Blue belts should be helpful to others and make corrections when appropriate. Usually a student wears the blue belt for about 2 years. A solid blue belt's experience level is comparable to black belts in "Traditional" arts. During this phase a student should tighten their game and have answers to most positions they encounter. The blue belt should become more proficient at applying pressure while grappling. In addition to understanding every position defensively and offensively, the advanced blue belt should have a favorite technique or position that they rely on. The advanced blue belt is smooth and technical. They can defeat strength with technique or strategy

Purple belt is a leader in the academy. Everyone looks to mimic their game and ask them questions. They are solid in every position and know essentially every technique of Jiu-Jitsu. They can apply tremendous pressure when they want. They have a favorite position that they are perfecting. The purple belt is creative and can chain together techniques that they like and trouble shoot when they have a problem in a position. They have developed natural instincts that allow them to react on "auto pilot." They can roll fairly well with brown and black belts and are very flexible in their game. They can play on top, bottom, pass, or defend well. All that separates the purple belt from brown and black belts is mat time. With more mat time the purple belt's timing improves as they move to brown belt. The purple belt is dangerous from every position. 2-3 years is the average time-in-grade for a purple belt.

Brown belt has shown true dedication to Jiu-Jitsu. The skill level of a brown belt is incredible. They only need a little more mat time to improve timing. They are essentially a black belt. They have all the tools. Brown belts have developed their own "game" and are solid and dangerous everywhere. Their instincts are sharp and they are creative. The brown belt is very hungry to become a black belt. The brown belt phase is usually about 2-3 years

Black belt understands Jiu-Jitsu very well. They can apply extreme pressure to opponents and/or flow from position to position with grace. The black belt always uses technique and never panics in bad situations. A good black belt understands the mechanics of the body and can create advantageous positions from everywhere while rolling. The black belt has an incredible amount of experience.

Hatches Martial Arts
About the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt