About our instructors

Brad Hatcher-Owner and Master Instructor-Click here for Bio

​Master Tony Campbell Isshinryu Black belt 6th degree and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Blue belt
Tony Campbell started training under Master J.C. Burris and started his training with me 1996. Tony is the head adult karate class instructor at HMA. Mr. Campbell is a great teacher that is always willing to go the extra mile to help students and often stays after class to help students. Tony is always in great shape, at over 65 years old he can spar those younger guys till they can take anymore. 

Black belt Instructors
Brady Hatcher  2nd degree -Brady the Oldest Son of Master Hatcher has been training since he was 4 yrs old. Brady helps teach both the Children's Karate and Jiu-JItsu classes. Brady has competed in both Karate and Jiu-Jitsu tournaments and is very experienced. Brady holds rank in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as well as Karate.

Logan Brookshire  2nd degree- Logan started training in Karate at age 8 and helps assist in both Karate and JIu-JItsu classes for the children's program. Logan holds rank in Gracie JIu-JItsu as well as Karate.

Nathan Myers-Black belt 1st degree in karate and is a assistant in the Kids Programs and holds rank in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Christian Hatcher Black belt -is a Training Assistant in our Kids programs, Mr Hatchers
 youngest son and a avid competitor.

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